ACTION TYPE: KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education
PROJECT TITLE: „Modern teacher training as an opportunity for better development of students’ competences”
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01/12/2022 – 31/05/2024

1. Online teacher training
The online training series included 5 meetings in which a group of 10 teachers from Poland and staff members participated. The presenters were school teachers from Turkey.The following topics were discussed:
1. December 2022 – working with students with educational and social problems
2. January 2023 – working with students who stand out in specific fields of science
3. March 2023 – facility management – challenges in the head teacher work
4. April 2023 – using the project method during lesson
5. May 2023– local radio – a way to share students’ achievements and activities underway projects with a wider audience
2. Teacher meeting in Turkey – exchange of good practice
The meeting of teachers in Turkey –on the one hand, exchange of good practices was a summary of the training series and on the other hand it was a time for teachers from both schools to get to know each other. The meetings and trainings lasted 5-6 hours every day during which individual student cases were discussed in order to develop solutions, creating individual teaching plans for 15 students from a Polish school with unique needs. The target group from the Polish side was a team of 10 people, from the Turkish side it was a group of teachers consisting of teachers conducting online training and forming the project management team.
3. Development of project outputs and dissemination of project results
Guide for teachers starting their professional career – polish version
Guide for teachers starting their professional career – english version
4. Meeting of teachers in Poland – summary of project activiies
Teachers’ meeting in Poland – it was a time to summarize the activities in the project and refine the product project which will be a guide for teachers. There were 5-6 hour meetings/training sessions every day which additionally discussed individual cases of 15 students from a Polish school with unique needs for whom during the meeting in Turkey, solutions were developed and individual teaching plans were created. Teachers from Turkey could meet other teachers from the school in Poland, the main purpose of this meeting was cultural exchange, experiences related to teaching and internationalization of both institutions. Also, two out of five days spent in Poland were devoted to meetings between teachers from Turkey and students of the Polish school. First the day was devoted to learning about culture, education and everyday life in Poland.The second day was dedicated to the natural environment and the fight against climate change. Teachers from Turkey and Poland talked to students on topics related to their possibilities of involvement in this topic, e.g. regarding saving resources, limitations energy consumption, waste and carbon footprint, making choices in favor of sustainable food and mobility, etc.
5. Project management
The target group of this activity is the coordinating team composed of coordinators and team management and administration in each school. Every 6 weeks, online meetings are held during which internal reporting on the level of performance of individual tasks takes place.